
Kamis, 23 Mei 2013


location in indonesia
contact person :
Hendra Hermawan

Web design

Design for web isn’t just about making a page look pretty. Our web design service starts with the planning of the site structure, content and functionality to define user journeys, ensure intuitive navigation and establish effective information delivery. Stunning design is then applied to make the site relevant, impressive and memorable to the audience. Design for web should be about enhancing the user experience, and that’s exactly what we can do for you.

Logos and branding

We know how to design stunning logos and brands, test the design so it works in every conceivable environment, and apply it to stationery, brochures, adverts and any other marketing material you can think of. Logos, identities, brands, re-brands, new brands, sub brands – whatever your logo or branding requirements, we can ensure you send out the right message to your audience.

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